Monday, April 17, 2017

April 16, 2017 Per requests, following is a synopsis of my book:
Exploring the Psychological Foundations of the Disorder”
                        –by J.D. Mitschke
Did you know…?
● It is emotion that drives all behavior and activity of each and every individual!
● The primary emotions that drive each individual’s every behavior originate from an
instinctual foundation of only FIVE Basic Emotions!
● When an individual’s emotions become repressed or distorted or a person has a wrong
attitude or belief about the emotions—the results of one’s actions and behaviors may then prove to be off-target of the desired outcome if not altogether disastrous!
● By and large—all humanity is out of sync in the expression of natural rhythmic emotional
behavior and expression!
● Emotional repressions and disharmonies form the behavioral foundation of the Modern-Day

Consider that the behaviors of every single person inclusive of: the President of the United States, elected politicians of every governmental level including the local, state, and national; the corporate CEOs, managers, the working professionals, ministers, the mental health worker and professional, layperson, white collar worker, blue collar worker, homemaker, student, and citizen—are all driven by emotion!  

Many mistakenly assume and believe that thinking drives behavior, but this is not so. Thinking is the functional component that formulates our plans towards goal achievement—ideally speaking—well thought-out plans based upon a gathering and ordering of information, facts, and data; and these in turn subjected to logic, reason, and common sense. But then, in proper sequence and movement towards goal achievement, emotion is engaged to drive that plan (via behavior and action) to fruition.

Problems arise when emotions become repressed or distorted. The repressed and distorted energy of the emotions (emotions consist of an energy system of a more volatile quick-acting composition), then will automatically and autonomously intrude upon and disrupt or supplant thinking and certainly disrupt activity, with results that may prove to derail goals and prove to be disastrous. This, in essence, forms the crux of the problem with liberals and Liberalism. In effect, the liberal wrongly and unconsciously substitutes emotion to do the work of the thinking function. This produces wrong results, creates perceptual errors of the task at hand, and is inherently contrary to natural behavior unbecoming of the human species!

Surely, many of our citizenry will acknowledge an awareness that within the arena of politics, government, our society, and culturally; a conflict is waging between the liberal left and the conservative right. Characterizing the perpetual conflict in a general way; liberals are deemed to be directed by emotion: conservatives are deemed to be directed by thinking. In a manner, liberals operate out of a base of emotion or subjectivity, and conservatives operate out of a base of thinking or objectivity. Establishing the fact that the emotional component is not designed for thinking; therefore, we may generally conclude that conservatives have their emotions in a state of harmony and rhythm, and liberals do not.

I.  An examination of some of the effects of liberalism:
1.  Liberals will often use the word ‘feel’ or ‘feeling’ in their dialog even though it would be more appropriate in the given circumstance for them to say, “I think”.
2.  The ideologies of the liberal are more likely to rest upon a foundation of ‘belief’ or emotion rather than upon a foundation of ‘knowledge’ or thought. Hence, their reality is based on hopes, beliefs, faith, and dreams.
3.  Intentions are of great importance to the liberal and are primarily supported by belief and ‘feeling’. So too does belief and ‘feeling’ support various forms of fanaticism. Scantily worded slogans and catch-phrases which capsulize intentions are popular among the liberals. Hence, witness the mindless repetitive chants and placards carried by the liberal. This mindset of intention is considered by the liberal as due greater consideration than actual outcomes, as errant outcomes of their intent may conveniently be blamed on outside circumstances, blamed upon other people, or upon attendant circumstances as the cause of their un-fulfillment.
4.  Because ‘beliefs’ are more assimilate-able by the collective liberal masses, or by those composing the general populace due to possessing limited knowledge and self-knowledge; liberals, therefore, are easy prey to the promises of ‘big government’, authoritarianism, and collectivism; and consequently the liberal feels quite at home—safe and secure—in such an environment of promises and ‘intent’.
5.  It is in an environment of ‘belief’, ‘intent’, or ‘fanaticism’ that the seeds of fear may be sown, as the likely antidote to combat fear is knowledge. Hence, it serves the purposes of authoritarians, despots, dictators, and burgeoning totalitarian states to keep the populace in a state of ignorance as this condition better allows for the instillation of fear to manipulate and control the masses. This very foundation supports ‘political correctness’.
6.  The notion of ‘self-determination’ of the individual ceases to exist in an atmosphere of stifling authoritarianism, big government control and manipulation, political correctness, and the ubiquitous spread of ever-new laws and regulations governing behavior; hence, the predisposition to ‘collectivism’ of the masses.
7.  Because what the liberal ‘feels’ supersedes facts, and logic—then, laws, rules, and various regulations may become quite arbitrary and malleable. Moralities become temporal and relative to the times, hence, the influence of and adherence to the vicissitudes of ‘political correctness’ which holds such control upon the masses. For example, the Constitution of the United States, though grounded upon God-given Universal Laws and time-honored and time-tested tenants, is viewed as a temporal ‘living document’ subject to the whims and ephemeral changes of cultures.
8.  Liberals have the propensity to look at conditions outside of themselves as the cause of the individual’s or collective woes they or society currently experience—ascribing such blame to other people, general life circumstances; or to family, societal, or historical circumstances. Introspection is not one of their stronger suits so as to see themselves as the cause of failure of their own pursuits; but generally, looking outside themselves to post blame. It is this foundation of aberrations of the psychological, emotional, developmental, and environmental circumstances that create the ‘entitlement’ mentality of the liberal, as they are due restitution for their failures.
9.  Because the liberal functions predominantly out of their emotional function, it is generally fruitless to argue and debate rationally with the liberal, as it is virtually impossible to refute the subjectivity of what the liberal ‘feels’.

II. The Five Primary Human Emotions become fully operational as early as in the first six months of infancy, and even at that young age begin to mold and direct the behavior of the infant and child. Whereas, the function of thinking—with the attendant learning attributes and processing of facts, data, information—all contributing to the formation of reason, logic, and commons sense, only begin rudimentary formation of notable sophistication until six or seven years of age. The emotional component—inborn and grounded in the biologic and instinctual foundation of each individual as a member of Homo sapiens; and furthermore established in conformance to natural laws of functioning and behavior—is consistently established within each individual irrespective of race, culture, gender, or religious belief. Therefore, as a commonly shared component of Homo sapiens—this is one foundation of which it may be concluded that, “All Men (Homo sapiens) are created equal.” All without exception are subject to the lawful governing principles of the emotional component.

III. The Five Primary Emotions are listed below:
1.  Fear—designed primarily for our self-preservation, and in the most basic manner, assists us in our very survival. We are born with only two natural fears—all fears other than these two that one may possess in life—are learned by the individual in their life experience.
2.  Anger—a part of our instinctual survival mechanism and an augmentation to goal achievement and autonomous behavior enabling us to take on and challenge obstacles and meet head-on aggressions directed against us.
3.  Grief—the emotion experienced due to loss.
4.  Jealousy—the emotion that motivates, drives, and inspires us onward to reach a goal and achieve a task. For a clearer understanding of this emotion, older root origins of the word jealousy are derived from the word zeal. Therefore, an expanded meaning of the word jealousy will include; zeal, fervor, enthusiasm, passion, diligence, eagerness, and desire.
5.  Love—considered the ‘highest’ of the human emotions. Love differs from the other emotions
in that there may be an endless outpouring of the emotion; whereas, with the others—the expression thereof is limited and in proportion to the circumstance. For ages the greatest philosophers, sages, prophets, and poets have attempted to define love but yet the task remains elusive.

IV. All of the five primary emotions were designed by our Creator to assist us in a positive manner. Not one of them is inherently a ‘negative’ emotion—they are all positive. Only when the emotions become repressed and distorted do the emotion(s) becomes associated with negativity. Rather, negativity as such, is to be associated with what is termed a person’s ‘basic attitudes’. A person’s basic attitudes become fixed early in their life experience and all basic attitudes have an emotional component supporting and directing them.

The basis of the notions of self-determination, equality, and pursuit of happiness which are part and parcel to real human freedom, rests upon the presumption that Man (Homo sapiens) by universal law or privilege have the ‘right of free choice’.

Considering how emotion drives the behavior of every individual, often manifesting unconsciously and in ways that are outside and beyond the control of the individual—the very notion of what constitutes real human freedom (and choice) is challenged and subject to scrutiny. It is one thing for the individual to be manipulated and controlled by outside agencies and forces such as what we find in authoritarian dictatorial nation states, or by the ubiquitous spread of ever increasing laws, rules, regulations, and political correctness which usurp control of the individual and the masses—but just as limiting to the freedom and autonomy of the individual is the control exerted by one’s own internal sets of factors—that is, automatically and unconsciously manifesting emotional factors! Of these two factors, which of the two would an individual be more likely to have success in changing and altering?

What then defines true human freedom? The greatest true freedom rests upon the ability of an individual to be free of emotional aberrations and repressions. In this is found the essence and the key to one completing their Spiritual destiny. Secondarily, when an individual’s emotions are working in rhythm and harmony, then the individual will learn how to fully assert themselves against oppressive governments and dictatorial authoritarian leadership and nation-states! It is only when an individual has their emotions working in rhythm and harmony that they may truly realize their full ability to open to the emotion of unconditional Love!
